
Student ACES and ACE Leadership Group have developed values-based character education curriculum in-house. All curriculum is written by ACE Co-Founder & Buck Martinez.

The curriculum is based on the Student ACES values:

  • Command Respect
  • Earn the Trust of Others
  • Lead Through you Actions
  • Demonstrate Ethical Behavior and Stand up for what is right
  • Possess a Work Ethic that is Second to None
  • Show Humility and Integrity
  • Support your fellow Student ACES

Without the proper foundation, our students can be influenced to make the wrong decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives.This book is intended to provide a foundation to our young men and women. With candid discussion and illustrations, our young men and women will have the opportunity to understand and apply valuable lessons that will serve as a foundation for life.

Sports players, religious figures, politicians, and even friends all seem to make bad decisions. How, then, can you find out how to live in a way that will result in an exciting and productive life? This book answers the questions teens have about how to develop strong personal values, how to behave towards others, where to find the personal integrity to do the right thing. This is Straight Talk.

A top level guide for the young men and women that have the ambition to be leaders, both on and off the athletic field. It is also designed for coaches that depend on captains to be the conduit to the players. Today’s captains have a monumental task of setting the proper example and making sure that their teammates are focused on objectives and actions that ensures success.

Executive Leadership Training:

Through ACE Leadership Group, Student ACES offers leadership and values workshops for corporation and business teams. If you are interested in bringing the ACE leadership curriculum and workshops to your company please contact Buck Martinez at

All trainings and workshops can be customized to the needs of the particular workplace team. Training topics include workplace culture, teamwork, trust, respect and more.